Project Page

  • Project Name

    Saving One Mu of Land

  • Objective

    To protect the threatened MinQin Oasis through awareness and fundraising

  • Project Information




    Nankai University

    8 students

    Tianjin Province

  • Challenge

    In the lower reaches of Shiyang River Basin County lies the MinQin Oasis. However, the threat of desertification beckons on this oasis, and if unprevented will lead to the collapse of the whole Shiyang River Basin ecosystem.

  • Solution

    Our project aims to raise funds from colleges and local communities by educating them on the causes and threats of desertification, and how they can help to save just one mu of land.
    The cost of controlling one mu of desert land is 500 yuan (~USD 90). Our project will include:
    - Fundraising – postcard sales would be used also to broadcast pictures of the desertification to campuses and media to promote awareness.
    - Investigate MinQin – actively research and develop countermeasures
    - Visit Region – Study plant matter and contact local students for further understanding
    - Partners – with local environmental protection agencies and volunteer organizations to raise funds for the procurement of tree species, cultivation, irrigation maintenance, and protection of the oasis.
    - Donor Network – All donors will be provided with the understanding of the whole project process.
    Project photographs and video material will be used to further broadcast and promote concern for MinQin, and the possible devastating effects of desertification.

  • Photos: