Google CSR

“Caring for China - the Google China Social Innovation Cup” is the country’s first nationwide competition aimed at empowering China’s youth to address pressing social issues through grassroots, innovative solutions. Open to college students around the country, it also serves to instill a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement in the minds of China’s youth generation.

Founded in 2008, the Cup awards grant money ranging from 10,000 – 80,000 RMB (1500-11,000 USD) to student teams that demonstrate a creative, practical solution to a social problem in their local community. Each team will carry out its project during their 2-month long summer vacation. Through, students can submit applications detailing their project idea and implementation process.

In 2010, we received 18200 project proposals from 1060 universities, of which 1511 proposals from 506 universities passed through the first round. After three rounds of judging over the course of three months, 28 winning teams were selected to receive grants to pursue their projects. Social issues covered range from education, poverty, disability needs and healthcare, to the environment, arts and culture, women and children issues, and general community development.

The Google China Social Innovation Cup is part of Google China’s corporate social responsibility initiative.