Project Page
Project Name
Little Q – My Eyes, Your World
To promote and raise awareness for the usage of guide dogs
Project Information
Harbin Institute of Technology
8 students
Liaoning Province
Up until as late as 2004, few Chinese had ever seen a guide-dog despite some 12.3 million visually impaired people in the country. These people currently have only limited forms of aid that is either financially or manually demanding, missing out on the stable and efficient support system that guide-dogs provide. Indeed, one of the key indicators of a country's public welfare, social and cultural development is its usage of guide dogs. In China, the general understanding for guide dogs is minuscule, and the gap between the need for guide dogs and the actual available number is astronomical.
Named after a loyal guide-dog in Harbin province, the “Little Q Project” aims to promote the usage of guide dogs in the daily lives of the visually impaired. Our team has obtained support from China’s first guide-dog training center in Dalian to raise public awareness of the importance of guide dogs. Through campus lectures, media coverage and a series of public demonstrations, we hope to educate more people on the benefits and efficiencies of guide-dogs, to change the way they view the visually impaired, and last but not least, to bridge the relationship between humans and animals. At the same time, our team will also volunteer at the guide dog training center to alleviate the center's current shortage of services and funds.
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