Project Page
Project Name
The Blackboard Project
To Build a solid foundation for the educational environment for minorities
Project Information
Guangxi Normal University
36 students
Guangxi Province
Nowadays, volunteer teaching in rural areas is not an uncommon sight. However, to “left behind” children of ethnic minority groups in Guanxi province, this type of skill-based education is not enough. Their parents are already off working in distant cities, and as minorities the children are left culturally isolated in their villages. What is needed is a more integrated form of education that not only connects the children to the outside world, but also provides a platform for them express themselves.
The Blackboard Project will begin by surveying and understanding the educational environment of ethnic minority children in Guangxi region – their literary levels, material needs, and educational standing relative to other children. Based on this assessment, we will tailor our summer curriculum class, a large part of which will be the launch of a Creative Journal consisting of stories and compositions written by these children. We will also launch a PenPal system to connect these children to college students in Guangxi for long-term relationship development.