Project Page

  • Project Name

    Village Knowledge Mobilization Plan

  • Objective

    To promote knowledge acquisition through books to children in mountainous regions

  • Project Information




    Sichuan University

    15 students

    Sichuan Province

  • Challenge

    In the poverty-stricken villages of Western China, children harbor the same desire for knowledge as children of the city. Yet often due to geographical and economic problems, many village children have never even experienced the beauty or touch of a book, and the knowledge and imagination that comes with it.

  • Solution

    Our "Village Knowledge Mobilization Plan" aims to spread the joy of reading to rural children by establishing small libraries in the primary schools of mountain areas. Our first step is to solicit book donations and transfer them to select rural schools, creating a makeshift “library” collection. As time passes, we also plan a Book Mobilization program where books from one school will be exchanged with another’s, creating a continuous flow of knowledge transfer in these regions. To further encourage reading, we will hold Knowledge Forums and create programs like Star Reader of the Month for the village students.

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