Project Page
Project Name
Computer 101
To educate children from rural areas the basics of computer usage
Project Information
Xian Jiaotong University
10 students
Henan Province
There are around 900 million farmers in China (hundreds of thousands of them children), but due to poor development in the rural areas, these children often know nothing about computers. As computer literacy becomes increasingly important in today’s economy, it is imperative to teach relevant skills to rural children who will otherwise fall further down the economic ladder.
Our team will host a series of computer training classes to educate farmers’ children on technical fundamentals. Our first step will be to collect old, unwanted computers from local government, businesses and schools, and ensure they are up to date and usable. We will then host our first class at the Henan Yang Ling Elementary School, spanning 4-6 weeks. Upon completion of the course, we will use the results as an example to advertise through the local government and media organizations in the hope for further funding for other schools.
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